The Superiority of Ceramic Window Film
Ceramic window tint is a type of window film that is composed of tiny ceramic particles within its chemical make-up. These microscopic particles are embedded within the film and provide numerous advantages and benefits. Ceramic tint offers exceptional heat rejection, blocks harmful UV rays, reduces glare, and enhances privacy without compromising visibility. It is a popular choice for consumers seeking superior heat rejection for their vehicles, homes or businesses.
What Makes Ceramic Window Tint Different
The ceramic particles directly target the sun’s IR rays in addition to the solar rejection allowing for overall increased heat reduction. Thus, granting ceramic type films the ability to reject an exceptional amount of the heat without the need for being excessively dark.
Is Ceramic Window Tint Better
Ceramic type window film is the top-of-the-line option when it comes to window tinting. It offers the best barrier of protection for your vehicle or home’s interior and occupants. Additionally, ceramic window film provides excellent glare reduction, allowing for a safer and more comfortable driving or living space. Overall, if you want the best window tinting option available, ceramic tint is a must-have for its superior performance and exceptional benefits.
Ceramic Film VS Color-Stable Film
Ceramic Film
Rejects up to 93% of the IR rays in addition to about 40-45% of the solar heat rejected.
Color-Stable Film
Only rejects 40-45% of the solar heat. This film does little for the suns IR radiation.
Information for this chart was sourced from Johnson Window Films.
Is It Worth the Cost
Ceramic tint offers several advantages over traditional window films, making it worth the higher cost for many consumers. Unlike other types of window tint, ceramic type films block out a significant amount of heat and UV rays without interfering with the functionality of electronic devices. While it may be pricier, the long-lasting performance and enhanced benefits make ceramic tint a worthwhile investment for those seeking superior window tinting solutions.
How Much Does Ceramic Tint Cost
The price to have your home, vehicle or businesses windows installed with a ceramic window film can vary from $300 to $750 for your typical 4 door sedan and about $10 to $18 a square foot for residential and commercial window tinting with ceramic type film. These prices fluctuate due to:
- Location
- Difficulty of Vehicle or Windows to Install
- Amount of Material Usage Required
- Credibility of Installer or Installing Company
- Quality of Film Being Used
When deciding if ceramic window tint is right for you, there are a couple factors to consider:
- You need to assess your specific needs and goals: Are you primarily looking for heat rejection or do you also prioritize privacy?
- It is important to evaluate your budget: Determine if the cost of ceramic tint aligns with your financial capabilities.
With so many different credible window film manufacturers and products to choose from, determining what’s right for you isn’t as daunting as it may seem. If you are having trouble deciding what direction to go, try reaching out to a local installer. Most reputable film installers or installing companies are happy to help educate and assist consumers navigate through the many questions that may rise in the search for ultimate quality, superiority and durability.
I liked the article alot. Ceramic tints are the best out there and I generally prefer using those because of the superior quality they have. They are bit expensive as compared to other dyed tints but investement is worth it when it comes to benefits. https://protintstop.com/